Access Consciousness Part 5

I just finished watching the latest Being You, Changing the World Google Hangout based on Dr. Dain Heer’s book. The topic of the Hangout was Chapter 10 “The Potency of Being Undefined”. According to Access Consciousness definition alone creates limitation.

Here is part of what Dain said in the Google Hangout about “The Potency of Being Undefined”:

Anytime you define you, anytime you say “Oh I’m this” or “I’m not this” or “I was this”, these definitions end up killing us. The thing about being us is, it’s able to have a flow to it, [we’re] able to adjust to any situation in any moment, but [..] going through it [is] this thread of the being that you be, this thread of awareness of what’s actually true for you and when I say that I’m not saying your truth. What I’m talking about is what is true for you as a being that you may not have allowed yourself to get acquainted with yet.  That if you’ll allow that thread to start running through your life, running through your choices, running through your sense of possibilities, what else would be available? What else would be possible? What else could occur?… It’s this undefined thing.

The difficulty is that we’ve been taught to define ourselves in every moment otherwise people can’t connect with us because they don’t know who we are, they wouldn’t know what was going on. Unfortunately, we keep trying to define us. We have this nagging sense that there is something wrong with us or what we’ve chosen or how we’ve been. And at the same time we want to define us as something good and something right. So we don’t feel bad and we don’t feel wrong. And where the heck are we? We’re lost, we’re left out in the cold.

So what this is about is, if you didn’t define you, how much could you enjoy being you beyond the definitions, all the problems and everything else?


[But you think to yourself] I wouldn’t create problems. I wouldn’t choose a problem. … We do create our problems because they give us a sense of who we are. If we are into defining us, if we’ve been taught that we need to define us. … You know who you are when you have a problem and then you go through the steps to solve that problem and finally get out of the problem. Doesn’t that give you an idea of who you are? One of the things I realized early on is … that one of the most uncomfortable things for people is to feel as if they don’t know who they are. But what you have to look at is if you’re going to create the massive change that…you’ve been asking for…you’re going to have to go through a period of feeling uncomfortable. Because otherwise you’re changing just tiny increments and this is what I see with most people.

This is the thing we’ve got to get … that we have a different choice. 

Taken from: The Potency of Being Undefined Google Hangout by Dr. Dain Heer.   Any changes to what he said are mine. Dain explains this concept in much greater detail throughout the Google Hangout. You can also receive chapter 10 of his book by going to and signing up for the Google Hangouts.

So you may be asking yourself “How does this relate to me and my pain?” or ”Me and my money problems?” or “Me and whatever issue you have?”. Well it suddenly came to me as I listened to Dain that it’s my defining myself as my illnesses and my pain and my money problems that have kept me stuck, locked up, limited and recreating the same reality over and over.

So what do you do? What Access Consciousness tools do you have available? There are a few suggested by Dain in this Google Hangout.

***How does it get any better than this?

This tool can be used any time something good or bad happens. So say you wake up and your back is already aching or this question can also be used when you find a $10 bill on the sidewalk. Ask the question with curiosity. By using this question every time something good, bad or ugly happens you are showing that you have gratitude in the moment no matter what has happened. Further, you are allowing the door to greater choice and more possibilities to be opened.

The next two tools can be used when you are confronted with your own or someone else’s judgment or definition regarding you or an event in your life. Make the statement, wait quietly, you may or may not notice a shift in the energy around you and then repeat. Three to five times is usually adequate.

***Interesting point of view I have an interesting point of view (about my money problem). You can place any issue you are having in the blank or leave that part off altogether.

***I POD and POC it. (POD and POC are a short form of the Access Consciousness Clearing statement. For more information on that go to

I have used these tools many, many times over the years and that is why I felt I had to include them as a way for you to change the way you are defining or judging yourself in any area of your life. As an example, shortly after I started following Access Consciousness I went to pick my son up from work and he was in a terrible mood which is quite unusual for him. As he told me about whatever grievance he had it suddenly occurred to me that Interesting Point of View might just help to change his mood. So I said I wanted to try something and had him repeat after me. By the time I had reached the third or fourth Interesting Point of View he had busted out laughing and his mood was completely changed. Based on my own experience if you use the tools they will work.

Finally, I’d like to give you a tool that I was given quite some time ago which I feel could be quite useful to you. Repeat this question 30 times a day for 30 days and see what shifts in your life.

***What if I am are out of control, out of limitation, out of definition, out of form, structure, significance, out of linearities, out of concentricities? Everything that brings up I destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Right, wrong, good, bad, all nine, POD, POCs, shorts, boys and beyonds. (A Godzillion is a number so big only God knows how big it is.  The final statement here is the Access Consciousness clearing statement which you can find explained at

Well that’s it for now. I hope you’ll give these tools a try to see how they work for you. I’ll be back next week with the energy healer I had intended to present this week. Until then I hope you have a wonderful, pain free week.

**I am not a doctor and I will not be giving any type of medical advice. I also do not advocate stopping any medical treatment without talking it over with your doctor.**

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