If you believe in the power of prayer you may want to read this blog post. If you live in any area of the world where rain is needed please use the following prayer for your area. If you know anyone who lives in an area that does need rain please pass this prayer on to them. I have found that I can do this prayer by myself and get results but it is more powerful and seems to work more quickly with one or more praying with you….

Zuni Prayer

Cover my earth mother four times with many flowers.
Let the heavens be covered with the banked-up clouds.
Let the earth be covered with fog; cover the earth with rains.
Great waters, rains, cover the earth.  Lighting cover the earth.
Let thunder be heard over the earth; let thunder be heard;
Let thunder be heard over the six regions of the earth.
 – Zuni Prayer for Rain

I have found that saying this prayer two days in a row, waiting a day or two to see what the result may or may not be, and then again saying the prayer two days in a row and so on will often bring rain. By using this prayer I have had great results. It may take time but in my experience rain comes. Of course, I make no guarantees, because fortunately or unfortunately I am not in charge of the universe. I’m just passing on a prayer where rain has resulted when I’ve used it.

If you want to do the prayer by yourself I’ve found that it will work. However, I’ve found that by having at least one other person pray with you that you often get results sooner. I’ve never done this prayer with a larger group but you certainly can do so. You can be in the same room, you can do it by phone or you can do it by Skype, or you can set a time and have everyone read the prayer at either a set time or at any time throughout the day with the intention of being a part of the group. It doesn’t matter how you do it. It only matters that you have the greatest possible outcome for the situation that is currently being faced by you and your area, by other states in the United States, and/or any other countries or continents throughout the world.

Please note that you can pray for other areas in the United States and throughout the world as well that are in need of rain. Just ask for rain to be sent to those areas as well.

Please also consider saying the following prayer for peace at least once a day to bring peace to the EARTH…

Cheyenne Prayer for Peace

Let us know peace.
For as long as the moon shall rise,

For as long as the rivers shall flow,
For as long as the sun shall shine,
For as long as the grass shall grow,
Let us know peace. 
 – Cheyenne Prayer

I am a great believer in the power of prayer because I believe in God and I know that he always hears me.

So I hope you use these prayers with the greatest possible results for all of those concerned in mind. God, the Great Spirit, Buddha, Mohammed, the Universe, the Alpha and Omega, Yahweh (or anyone else which you choose to pray to) bless you, one and all.

I hope to begin adding to my blog again soon but we’ll see. I have plenty I can add to help you with pain issues. I just need the time and the inclination to get what I know down on the page. Please use what is on this blog in the meantime because there are great tools that are very beneficial here already.

God bless.

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